Neurofeedback for ADHD Treatment

Using neurofeedback for ADHD treatment is a rapidly growing science. Some might say science experiment!

Once commonly referred to as biofeedback, the term neurofeedback started to emerge when feedback was being used specifically with the goal of altering a condition that appears to be neurologically based. It is a fascinating science and a potentially under-explored alternative treatment.

We have several different types of brainwaves and the goal of neurofeedback is to suppress some and increase others depending on your diagnosed condition. For example, excessive theta activity and a lack of beta activity are common with ADHD.

In a simple fashion, here is what happens with neurofeedback. One will have to undergo an EEG to determine their specific brain activity. Then, when you go for training, they hook up electrodes to certain parts of your scalp depending on what waves they are training. For children, there will be some kind of game on the computer for which they are given an instruction (i.e. keep superman flying below the line) and by virtue of concentration, they figure out how to alter their brain waves to achieve the said task (keeping superman under the line).

That is a very simple description. For a more comprehensive understanding, Dr. Amen covers a lot of information about neurofeedback in his book.

If you are a more visual learner then the video below might be useful for you. It explains how neurofeedback works and also presents a NASA developed product that gives people the ability to use neurofeedback in their home. PLUS, their program was developed specifically for use with children who might otherwise be bored by using traditional neurofeedback for adhd. Click on the center play button and learn!

If you wish to explore neurofeedback for adhd, here is my only piece of advice... Make sure that your child is invested in this process. They have to be willing to try to make this work. You can't hook them up and have anything change if they aren't working the program. My own son was 6 when we did this. I think he was too young but they told me he would be fine. Trust your gut on that.

I will also say that based on the video above, programming has come a long way since we made our attempt. That can only be beneficial to the process!

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